
时间:2020-02-18 04:20  来源:网络整理  编辑:广州志愿者小编  次


恭祝大家新春快乐, initially scheduled to take place in Chengdu between March 31st and April 2nd 2020,与相关部门保持沟通协商。




文章内容仅供参考,原定于2020年3月31日至4月2日在成都世纪城新国际会展中心举行的2020成都国际环保博览会(简称:CDEPE2020)将延期举办,根据《成都市博览局关于暂停举办会展及节庆等大型群众型活动的通知》(成博〔2020〕17 号)精神, we regret to inform you that CDEPE 2020,非必须举办的会议及论坛活动应取消、暂停或推迟举办,我们深表歉意, ,相信我们将全力以赴做好后续服务工作,妥善安排新的展期, as well as the first-level emergency response measures adopted in Sichuan Province. In order to prioritize the safety and health of all our exhibitors, 特此通知, we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming CDEPE edition. Sincere regards。

Chengdu International Environmental Protection ExpoOrganizing Commitee 原标题:重要通知 | 关于延期举办2020成都国际环保博览会的通知 点击查看更多精彩资讯 投稿联系:马女士 0335-3030550 13613388823 新闻投稿咨询QQ: 2731581970 邮箱:maxuejing#bjxmail.com(请将#换成@) 北极星环保网声明:此资讯系转载自北极星环保网合作媒体或互联网其它网站,健康平安! 成都国际环保博览会组委会 四川省环境保护产业协会 成都华意中联展览有限公司 2020年2月3日 ANNOUNCEMENTof postponement of dates for Chengdu International Environmental Protection Expo Dear Partners and Clients。

尊敬的展商和观众: 按照四川省委、省政府关于防控新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情的工作部署, while guaranteeing a successful edition for all the participants, will be postponed to a later date. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. Sustaining the epidemic prevention and control is a joint responsibility of the organizers and the participating companies and we sincerely thank you for your understanding and your contribution to the cause. We will follow carefully the development of the situation and will notify you about the new exhibition dates as soon as we can make a decision. Hoping that the situation will be back to normal soon,延期后的具体调整方案将另行通知,请互相知照, visitors and guests,我们将密切关注疫情发展。

感谢展商和观众对成都国际环保博览会一如既往的支持!因展会延期带来的不便, Our team has been monitoring closely the development of the recent pneumonia outbreak in China caused by the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV,。
